
Sharekhan (Aparna Sagar - PB)

How much TAX, I Need to Pay ?

On Short Term Capital Gain (Less than 1 Year Holding Period) - 15%

On Long Term Capital Gain (Above 1 Year Holding Period) - 10% over and above Rs 1 lakh

On Speculative Capital Gain (Intraday Trades) - Considered as Business Income i.e. as per Tax Slab

On Dividend Income - 10% on dividend income paid in excess of Rs 5,000


Why Sharekhan



Electronic Delivery Instruction Slip (eDIS)


Payment Options with Sharekhan


Beneficiary Name - "SHAREKHAN LTD"
Account Type – Current Account
IFSC Code - HDFC0000060
Branch - Fort, Mumbai
Account Number – SHKEQT + Client code

Separate virtual account for each segment - SHKEQT+CLIENTCODE
Example: If client code is 1323456, the beneficiary number will be SHKEQT1323456


Fund Transfer using Website

Fund Transfer using Mobile

Option 1: Direct Payment Gateways with all large retail banks of the country.

You can just login to Sharekhan and move funds directly from your registered bank to your Sharekhan trading account in a matter of minutes. We have direct tie-ups with the following banks for this facility. Direct payments can be used for instant fund transfer from your registered bank account without the need of any registration.(You can also refer to the attached PDF)


Bank of India

Deutsche Bank

ICICI bank

Union Bank of India

Federal Bank

State Bank of India

IndusInd Bank

IDBI bank

Axis Bank

Oriental Bank of Commerce


Kotak Mahindra bank

Yes Bank


If you already have a bank account with the above mentioned 13 banks, then we would recommend you to use the direct payment gateways mode of transfer rather than initiating UPI / NEFT transfers.

Option 2: UPI transfer

UPI transfers are now integrated with Sharekhan. It is easy to just login to Sharekhan and move funds directly from your registered bank to your Sharekhan trading account and get instant credits. The transfers should only be initiated post Login to your account through Sharekhan website / Sharemobile App and from your registered bank account only. Kindly refer the attached PDF for further details and steps to be followed.

@ UPI transfer not initiated through Sharekhan portal / Sharemobile app does not provide complete transaction clarity and hence can lead to delays in credits. Such direct transactions hence need to be avoided

Option 3: NEFT / RTGS transfers /IMPS

To initiate NEFT/RTGS transfers to Sharekhan, you need to register the below mentioned beneficiary details to your bank account for faster credits. Either of the banks can be used for initiating your funds transfer.

YES Bank

  • Bank Name: Yes Bank
  • IFSC Code: YESB0CMSNOC (5th Character is “Zero”)
  • Beneficiary Name: Sharekhan Limited
  • Branch: Worli, Mumbai
  • Account Type: Current Account

Beneficiary Account

Equity/FNO Segment

Commodity Segment

Mutual Fund Segment

Separate account details for each segment




Example: If your *client code is XXXX, the beneficiary number will be 9035XXXX

Example: If your client code is XXXX, the beneficiary number will be SKCOMMXXXX

Example: If your client code is XXXX, the beneficiary number will be SK21MFXXXX

*Your client code is the code mentioned in your contract note / ledger statement.

Option 4: Cheques

As the deposit of cheques is currently not a feasible option considering that many banks have closed many of their branches locally, hence we would urge all kindly use any of the above mentioned options to continue business smoothly.

Please note that funds can be transferred only from your registered / mapped bank account with Sharekhan. To map your latest bank account before initiating any funds transfer, please speak to your relationship manager for further details

Stay Safe & Stay at Home.